• CNC Manufacturing

CNC Manufacturing

We manufacture for many industries

Our CNC lathes and mills work on multiple axis to manufacture highly precise components. Robots control the flow and our customised finishing services get the components ready to go.

Manufacturing Partner NZ

Manufacturing Partner

We provide contract manufacturing to New Zealand and international companies. Our clients incorporate our components in the products they sell worldwide.

We work closely with you to develop a manufacturing programme that suits your expected sales and to minimise your costs. Often, we make product for stock, so we have product on hand when you need it. We communicate directly with your inventory manager to get our timing right.

No job is too small or too large. Our relationship with our raw material suppliers allows us to keep up with all our clients.

Contract manufacturing
manufacturing partnerships

Contract Manufacturing offers many benefits

Our clients trust that when they place an order the component will be delivered on time and exactly right. No hassles, no fuss. This frees up your people, machines, and investment capital, to do what you are best at.

Through contract manufacturing, you have access to the latest CNC machining to keep ahead of the market. Our design engineers are constantly helping develop more efficient ways of doing things and designing new components to fit new products.

Every day we add value to help you be more successful.

You can be assured we will supply your product perfectly first time and every time

We can deliver on time because we plan with you, schedule the work correctly, hold stock when required and go the extra mile to make it work. Our design engineers make sure we produce the product correctly, first time. Our machines are well maintained with great service people behind us so you can trust there will be no problems. Our team is very skilled and committed to delivering outstanding service, always.

manufacturing process
extensive range of engineering services

We work to your forecast

We plan in line with your forecast and anticipate your orders to ensure continuous, quick supply. We keep in touch so there are no surprises. We produce components to your precise specifications. You can be assured you will get what you need when you need it. We stake our reputation on it.

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